Everyone feels anger at times, but if it starts to affect your daily life, there are ways to manage it.
Support is also available if you’re dealing with stress, anxiety, or depression.
Symptoms of Anger
Anger can show up in different ways, impacting your mind, body, and behavior.
For some, anger leads to outward aggression, while others may turn it inward and direct it toward themselves.
It can be difficult to recognize when anger is influencing these changes in behavior.
Physical Symptoms
- Faster heartbeat
- Muscle tension
- Clenched fists
- Tight chest
- Feeling overheated
Mental Symptoms
- Anxiety or tension
- Difficulty relaxing
- Increased irritability
- Feelings of embarrassment
- Resentment toward others
Behavioral Changes
- Yelling
- Ignoring others or sulking
- Starting conflicts
- Breaking objects
- Self-harming