A cough usually goes away on its own within 3 to 4 weeks.
Common Causes of Coughs
Most coughs are caused by a cold or the flu. Other possible causes include:
- Smoking
- Heartburn (acid reflux)
- Allergies, such as hay fever
- Infections like bronchitis or COVID-19
- Postnasal drip from mucus
It’s important to remember that a cough is rarely a sign of something serious, like lung cancer.
Self-Care Tips for Cough Relief
- Get plenty of rest
- Stay hydrated
- Stay home and avoid contact with others if you have a fever or feel unwell
You might also try:
- Taking paracetamol or ibuprofen for discomfort
- Drinking hot lemon with honey (not recommended for babies under 1 year)
- Using a herbal remedy called pelargonium (for ages 12 and up)
However, there is limited evidence supporting these remedies; hot lemon with honey can have a similar effect to cough syrups.
Pharmacist Support for Coughs
If you have a cough, a pharmacist can recommend:
- Cough syrups
- Cough medicines (note that some are not suitable for children under 12)
- Cough sweets
While these products won’t cure your cough, they may help reduce its frequency.
Keep in mind that decongestants and cough medicines containing codeine are not effective in stopping a cough.