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5 Strong Reasons Why You Should Stop Eating Late At Night


In today’s frantic society, many people have developed the practice of munching late at night.

Whether motivated by stress, boredom, or a simple urge, eating late at night can have a bad influence on both our physical and emotional health.

Here are strong reasons to reconsider that late-night snack:

1. Disrupts sleep patterns

Eating late might disrupt your body’s normal circadian cycle, making it difficult to fall and remain asleep.

Food digestion at night can raise metabolism, disrupting restorative sleep and contributing to health issues such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

2. Weight Gain

Consuming more calories late at night, when your energy expenditure is low, can result in weight gain.

The body may store these extra calories as fat rather than use them for energy, and late-night munchies are frequently poor, high-calorie items that worsen weight problems.

3. Digestive discomfort

Late-night eating increases the likelihood of digestive problems such acid reflux, indigestion, and bloating.

Lying down after eating can exacerbate these symptoms since gravity is less effective at keeping stomach contents from going back into the oesophagus, perhaps leading to long-term difficulties.

4. Impaired blood sugar regulation

Eating late can impair blood sugar management.

Consuming carbs, particularly refined sugars, before bedtime can produce blood sugar spikes and falls, resulting in weariness and cravings for unhealthy foods, which can eventually lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

5. Increased Risk for Chronic Diseases

According to research, late-night eating increases the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and some malignancies.

Late-night eating disrupts sleep, leads to weight gain, and causes metabolic difficulties.

Maintaining regular meal times and avoiding late-night eating can assist to mitigate these hazards.

Things To Know About Prostate Cancer


Prostate cancer occurs in the prostate, a small walnut-shaped gland in males that produces seminal fluid to nourish and transport sperm.

It is one of the most common cancers, with many cases growing slowly and remaining confined to the prostate without causing significant harm.

Read Also: Health Benefits Of Drinking Water Before Bed

However, some types can be aggressive and spread rapidly.


In early stages, prostate cancer often presents no symptoms. Advanced stages may cause:
– Difficulty urinating
– Reduced urine flow
– Blood in urine or semen
– Bone pain
– Unintended weight loss
– Erectile dysfunction

When to See a Doctor?

Consult your doctor if you have any persistent or worrying symptoms.


Prostate cancer develops when DNA alterations in prostate cells cause uncontrolled growth and division.

These aberrant cells form a tumour, which can infiltrate surrounding tissues and spread to other parts of the body.

Risk Factors:

– **Age**: Risks rise with age, particularly beyond 50.
– **Race**: Black people are at a higher risk of violent behaviour.
– **Family History**: Increased risk if relatives have prostate cancer or if you have the BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations.
– **Obesity**: May raise the risk and likelihood of aggressive cancer, while evidence is conflicting.


– **Metastasis**: Cancer can spread to other organs, bones, or tissues, resulting in pain and possible fractures.
– **Incontinence**: Both cancer and its therapies can cause urinary problems, which can be treated with medicines, catheters, or surgical procedures.
– **Erectile Dysfunction**: This condition can be caused by cancer or its therapies, which include drugs, gadgets, or surgery.


– **Healthy Diet**: Consume an assortment of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. While nutrition alone may not prevent prostate cancer, it does promote general health.
– **Avoid Supplements**: There is no evidence that supplements lower risk. Concentrate on nutrient-dense foods.
– **Regular Exercise**: Strive for regular physical activity to maintain your weight and overall health.
– **Healthy Weight**: Maintain or reach a healthy weight with food and activity.
– **Risk Assessment**: Discuss with your doctor whether you are at high risk. Medications such as 5-alpha reductase inhibitors may lower risk but raise the risk of high-grade cancer.

Why You Need To Eat Eggs


Eggs are a highly nutritious and inexpensive source of full, easily digestible protein. They contain vital nutrients including choline, which help with heart health and brain growth.

Their nutritious value makes them useful for maintaining a healthy weight and improving body composition.

If you’re not allergic to eggs, they’re an excellent supplement to a healthy, balanced diet at any age.

Top 10 Health Benefits of Eggs
Highly nutritious

Whole eggs are extremely dense, supplying nearly all of the nutrients you require. They have one of the lowest energy density to nutrient density ratios of any food and are good suppliers of nutrients that are difficult to obtain, such as vitamins D and B12 and iodine. Choosing omega-3-rich eggs increases the amount of omega-3 fatty acids as well as fat-soluble vitamins A and E.

Complete source of protein

Eggs are a “complete protein,” as they include all nine necessary amino acids required for growth, development, and repair. Our bodies cannot synthesise these amino acids, therefore we must get them from our diet. Egg protein, like dairy products, is highly digestible and of better protein quality than beef steak.

Source of choline

Eggs are an excellent nutritional supply of choline, a vitamin required for cell membrane development and brain function, including memory. It is especially crucial during pregnancy and breastfeeding to ensure appropriate brain development.

Heart Health Benefits

Eggs include heart-healthy substances such as betaine and choline. A study of nearly half a million people in China reveals that eating one egg per day may lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. However, experts emphasise that eggs must be consumed as part of a healthy lifestyle in order to be beneficial.

Eye Health Support

As we age, our vision might deteriorate, but nutrients from a well-balanced diet can help preserve and maintain eye health. Egg yolks are high in carotenes, particularly lutein and zeaxanthin, which help prevent macular degeneration and cataracts. Eggs also contain vitamin A, which is necessary for clear vision.

Prevention of Sarcopenia

Egg proteins are easily digested and promote muscle health, defending against muscle loss (sarcopenia). Skeletal muscle contributes significantly to general health by maintaining physical function and balance, enhancing insulin sensitivity, and lowering the risk of osteoporosis and heart disease.

Weight Management Aid

Eggs are higher in protein and more satisfying than fats and carbohydrates. They rank highly on the satiety index, which assesses how satisfying food is. According to studies, an egg-based breakfast is more full than a carbohydrate-based breakfast, allowing you to eat less calories later on.

Optimal body composition

Including eggs in your diet has been demonstrated to improve muscle protein synthesis while decreasing body fat, promoting ideal body composition. Bodybuilders appreciate leucine, an amino acid required for muscle building, and eggs provide approximately 500 mg of leucine per egg.

Immune system Support

Eggs include vital nutrients, bioactive substances, and high-quality proteins. According to studies, when eggs are coupled with dairy products, they can modify the immune system and provide anti-inflammatory benefits.

Low environmental impact

According to sustainability standards, eggs have the lowest environmental impact of any animal protein.

What Cassava Does For Your Body


Cassava, a tuber with no protein or gluten, is extremely helpful to the body and suitable for everyone, especially children.

Cassava is nutrient-dense and the third most carbohydrate-rich food in our environment, behind rice and maize.

Cassava, scientifically known as Manihot esculenta, is farmed and consumed in a variety of African and international countries.

Read Also: Why You Need To Start Eating Pineapple

According to Dr. Jules Kouassi, an Ivory Coast-based Doctor of Public Health and nutrition expert, cassava is a “God manna” since it can nourish everyone and be prepared in a variety of ways.

However, cassava should never be consumed uncooked since it contains harmful compounds. Proper preparation is necessary.

What nutrients can cassava provide?

According to Dr. Kouassi, cassava tubers are not only nutritious, but so are their leaves.

The tuber and leaves contain high levels of vitamins A, B, C, and E, as well as magnesium, mineral salts, iron, and calcium.

They’re also high in potassium, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, and zinc.

While it has no protein, it does include a significant amount of carbohydrates. “Cassava is about 70% carbohydrates, so it provides a lot of energy,” Dr. Kouassi says.

Cassava benefits both men and women by increasing fertility, according to Dr. Kouassi.

It also benefits the eyes, brain, blood, and skin when you consume cassava tubers or leaves.

It is very good for persons who do heavy labour and require a lot of energy.

Read Also: What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Beans

Cassava also combats anaemia and promotes excellent sleep: “This is why many people in our country feel sleepy after eating attiĂ©kĂ©,” Dr. Kouassi explains.

Attiéké, a popular Ivory Coast dish, is made from cassava. Other cassava-based dishes include garri, loi loi or akpu, abacha, tapioca, and many more.

People from all over Africa like cassava-based foods. For example, Sandrine Tchoni of Douala, Cameroon, says, “I usually boil cassava tubers and eat them with okok.” Okok is a traditional Cameroonian meal prepared with leaves, palm nuts, groundnuts, and occasionally sugar.

It is very good for persons who do heavy labour and require a lot of energy.

Cassava also combats anaemia and promotes excellent sleep: “This is why many people in our country feel sleepy after eating attiĂ©kĂ©,” Dr. Kouassi explains.

Attiéké, a popular Ivory Coast dish, is made from cassava. Other cassava-based dishes include garri, loi loi or akpu, abacha, tapioca, and many more.

People from all over Africa like cassava-based foods. For example, Sandrine Tchoni of Douala, Cameroon, says, “I usually boil cassava tubers and eat them with okok.” Okok is a traditional Cameroonian meal prepared with leaves, palm nuts, groundnuts, and occasionally sugar.

Cassava fights anaemia

Cassava leaves, according to Dr. Kouassi, can help treat anaemia, which is characterised by a lack of red blood cells.

He gave a precise prescription for utilising cassava leaves to treat anaemia: “Whether for adults, children, or the old, smash some cassava leaves. If you don’t have a blender, you can pound them and extract the juice. Then, add a little milk and consume one glass in the morning, midday, and evening. After three days, your red blood cells will improve.

However, because some cassava contains harmful cyanide toxicity, it is critical to fully roast it to remove the toxin.

“Yes, you must cook it well. Dr. Kouassi recommended that it be thoroughly cooked before pouring away the water.

Why You Need To Start Eating Pineapple


Pineapple is not only a wonderful tropical fruit, but it also has numerous health benefits. Research indicates that it has been utilised in folk medicine since antiquity.

Pineapple is available fresh, frozen, tinned, and dried, offering it a year-round alternative in the United States. While canned pineapple is convenient, consider types packed in their natural juices rather than syrup to avoid additional sugar.

No matter how you consume it—grilled, fresh, frozen, or combined in a smoothie—incorporating pineapple into your diet for its health advantages is a wise decision.

Pineapple is a healthy snack option due to its vitamin and nutrient content.

Here are eight pineapple health benefits:

High in Vitamin C.

“The standout nutrient in pineapple is vitamin C, which supports the immune system and provides antioxidant benefits,” says Jackie Newgent, RDN, gourmet nutritionist and author of The All-Natural Diabetes Cookbook.

One cup of pineapple contains 78.9 milligrammes (mg) of vitamin C, which exceeds the recommended daily requirement for adult women (75 mg) and is close to the recommendation for men (90 mg).

Vitamin C promotes growth and healing throughout the body, including collagen synthesis for healthy skin, as well as wound repair and iron absorption.

May Improve Weight Loss

While the evidence for pineapple’s effect on metabolism and weight loss is weak, animal studies have revealed that pineapple juice may aid reduce fat production and boost fat breakdown.

More investigations in humans are required to corroborate these findings.
Pineapple is an excellent snack choice because it is low in calories, abundant in essential vitamins and minerals, and has no saturated or trans fats.

It can also help satisfy a sweet appetite, potentially lowering calorie intake and promoting weight loss.

Promotes digestion

Pineapple includes bromelain, a group of enzymes that help reduce inflammation, nasal swelling, and promote wound healing.

It has been related to improved digestion and has long been used in Central and South American countries to treat digestive issues. Bromelain may also help alleviate the symptoms of diarrhoea.

Promotes healthy bones

Manganese, like calcium, is vital for keeping strong bones. Pineapple is one of the richest sources of manganese, with a single cup providing around 76% of the necessary daily dose.

Manganese may help prevent osteoporosis and increase overall bone and mineral density.

Packed with Disease-fighting antioxidants

Pineapple has high levels of antioxidants such as phenolics, flavonoids, and vitamin C. Antioxidants aid in the battle against inflammation and free radicals in the body, which can cause cellular damage and lead to conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and vision impairments.

Cancer-Fighting Properties

While there is no foolproof strategy to prevent cancer, consuming a diet rich in antioxidants, such as those found in pineapple, can help lower the risk. Diets and blood concentrations high in antioxidants have been linked to a lower risk of cancer.

Fits in an anti-inflammatory diet

Excessive inflammation can cause diseases such as coronary artery disease, diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s.

A diet high in anti-inflammatory foods, such as pineapple, can help lower inflammation in the body. The anti-inflammatory benefits of pineapple are due to the presence of bromelain.

Boosts immunity

Pineapple may increase immunity, particularly during a cold. One study discovered that youngsters who ate canned pineapple had less viral and bacterial infections than those who did not throughout a nine-week period.

Eating one to two cans (140 to 280 grammes) of pineapple every day may lower the risk of illness or shorten its duration.

People Who Still Look Young In Their 60s And Beyond Usually Adopt These 7 Daily Habits


Ever notice how some people appear to defy the laws of ageing? They’re in their 60s or older, but they still appear to be in their forties.

It’s as if they’ve found a hidden fountain of youth. What is their secret?

Most likely, it isn’t a youth-preserving potion or a concealed time machine. Instead, it could be something lot simpler and more manageable: everyday habits.

Yes, you read it correctly.

Those who remain youthful have a series of regular habits that assist them keep Father Time at bay.

Interesting, right? If you’re curious about what these behaviours are and how you might use them to look younger after you reach your 60s, you’ve come to the perfect place.

This article will reveal seven daily habits that those evergreen individuals tend to stick to.

1. They prioritise sleep.

Remember when you were a child and nighttime felt like a punishment? It turns out your folks were on to something. Sleep is essential for not only our energy levels, but also our appearance. During those beautiful slumber hours, our bodies heal and rejuvenate themselves. Have you heard of the expression ‘beauty sleep’? There’s a reason this exists! People who appear young well into their sixties frequently prioritise a good night’s sleep. They recognise its importance and make certain they get enough of it. If you’re not getting enough sleep, you might want to reconsider. Your skin and future self will thank you.

2. They stay hydrated.

They drank water. There’s lots of it. Hydration is crucial to retaining youthful skin and overall health.

3. They don’t avoid the sun, but they respect it.

Let’s go serious for a moment. The sun feels fantastic. There’s nothing like soaking up the sun on a beautiful day. However, it might be harsh on your skin. I’ve spent many hours in the sun throughout the years, and I have the wrinkles to prove it. It’s not something I’m proud of, but it is the truth. People who maintain a youthful appearance into their 60s and beyond have a unique relationship with the sun. They love it, but they are cognisant of it. They never go outside without any type of sun protection, such as a hat, sunglasses, or high-SPF sunscreen. They also aim to avoid direct sunlight during peak hours, when UV radiation are highest. They’ve discovered out how to enjoy the sun without speeding up the ageing process.

4. They maintain an active lifestyle.

Do you know those people who cannot sit still? Who prefers to use the stairs over the lift, who spends their weekends hiking or bicycling, and who is always up for a game of tennis or a dance class? As individuals get older, they’re more likely to appear younger than their actual age. Why? Because frequent physical activity benefits our bodies. It promotes a healthy weight, protects our hearts, and, yes, contributes to a youthful appearance. Physical exercise promotes blood flow, which helps to nourish and maintain the vitality of the skin cells. It also helps to remove cellular detritus such as free radicals, which can cause accelerated ageing.

5. They are mindful of their diet

Here is something intriguing. Did you realise that the food we consume affects how quickly we age? That’s correct. People who appear young well into their 60s and beyond are often conscious of what they put on their plates. They like a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains, all of which include critical nutrients that help keep the skin glowing and the body healthy. They also minimise their consumption of processed foods, sweets, and bad fats, which can hasten ageing.

6. They practise self-care.

Life can be difficult, can’t it? We all experience ups and downs, hectic days, and stressful periods. And, while it’s easy to prioritise everyone else’s needs over our own, remember that self-care isn’t selfish; it’s crucial. People who can preserve their youthful appearance beyond their 60s often understand this. They set aside time for themselves to do what they enjoy and unwind. Whether it’s reading a book, having a bubble bath, meditating, or simply sitting quietly with a cup of tea, these moments of peace can benefit both our mental health and, believe it or not, our appearance. Stress might cause us to age prematurely.Taking care of our emotional health can help us look younger. Isn’t it all interconnected?

7. They keep a positive mindset.

Last but not least, persons who appear younger than their 60s frequently share one trait: a happy outlook on life. They accept ageing as a normal part of life, rather than something to fear or fight against. They concentrate on the pleasures and experiences that each new day brings, rather than lingering on the past or worrying about the future. This happy attitude can have a significant effect on our physical appearance. You know, when we are happy and satisfied, it appears on our faces. We grin more, our eyes sparkle, and our skin appears better.

What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Beans


Beans are an excellent plant-based source of protein, fibre, iron, and vitamins, which provide several health advantages.

Beans may promote heart, stomach, and liver health.

This article looks at nine health benefits of beans, including increasing protein consumption and lowering the risk of heart disease.


Protein is required to sustain and repair the body.

Beans are high in amino acids, the building blocks of protein.


Beans are high in nutrients like folate, which is essential for overall health, red blood cell synthesis, and avoiding neural tube problems during pregnancy.


According to research, beans contain a lot of polyphenols, which are antioxidants.

Antioxidants resist the detrimental effects of free radicals, which can damage cells and cause a variety of diseases.

Foods high in antioxidants, such as beans, help protect the body from disease.

Heart Health

Regular bean consumption may reduce the likelihood of heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems.

A 2017 meta-analysis found that replacing higher-fat animal proteins with beans could lower cardiovascular risk.

A 2013 study and meta-analysis discovered an association between bean eating and a decreased risk of coronary heart disease.

Beans may also help decrease cholesterol, which is a risk factor for heart disease.

Reduced cancer risk

Some research suggest that beans work as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, potentially lowering cancer risk.

According to research conducted in 2015, black beans offer the strongest antioxidant activity against intestinal cancer.

A 2016 study discovered that compounds in Northeast China black beans could reduce the progression of colorectal cancer by limiting cancer cell proliferation.

Diabetes and Glucose metabolism

Beans may assist to regulate blood glucose levels and perhaps prevent diabetes.

Beans are high in fibre and help reduce blood glucose levels.

According to a 2018 analysis, a high-fiber diet may minimise the development of type 2 diabetes and assist lower blood sugar in people who have the illness.

Another study found that adding a cup of beans to the diet of persons with type 2 diabetes lowers blood sugar and blood pressure.

Preventing Fatty Liver

Fatty liver is a condition in which fat accumulates in the liver and is frequently connected with obesity, high cholesterol, and hypertension.

Treatment for fatty liver disease entails losing weight, managing blood sugar, and lowering blood fat.

Replacing high-fat animal proteins with beans can improve liver health.

Controlling Appetite

Beans’ fibre and healthy carbohydrates contribute to a sense of fullness and contentment, which may help avoid overeating and aid in weight loss.

Improving Gut Health

Research has showed that beans, particularly black beans, improve gut health by strengthening intestinal barrier function and promoting beneficial microorganisms.

This may assist to prevent gut-related disorders.

Healthy gut flora also improve immune function and may aid in weight loss. Beans support these beneficial bacteria colonies.

Why You Should Not Eat Too Much Okra


Okra, often called gumbo or ladies’ fingers, is a warm-season vegetable known for its nutritional value.

It’s high in minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and fibre. Its unique sticky juice is commonly used to thicken recipes.

Okra, which is popular in the southern United States, sections of Africa and the Middle East, the Caribbean, and South America, is an important staple crop due to its high nutritional content.

Almost every part of Okra can be used, including fresh leaves, buds, flowers, pods, stems, and seeds.

The vegetable has a moderate flavour and a distinct texture, characterised by a peach-like fuzz on the outside.

The pod contains little seeds that are edible.

Gastrointestinal Problems

Okra contains fructans, a type of carbohydrate that can cause digestive problems such as diarrhoea, gas, cramps and bloating, particularly for people who already have bowel problems.

Kidney stones

Okra is high in oxalates, which can lead to the production of calcium oxalate kidney stones.

People who have previously developed kidney stones may need to reduce their intake of high-oxalate foods such as okra.


Okra contains solanine, a chemical that may cause joint discomfort, arthritis, and chronic inflammation in some people.

Potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, blueberries, and artichokes are further sources of solanine.

Blood Clotting

Okra’s high vitamin K concentration has been shown to influence blood coagulation.

This could harm those taking blood-thinning drugs like warfarin and Coumadin, which are designed to prevent blood clot.

Those on such medications need to monitor their vitamin K intake.

Health Benefits Of Drinking Water Before Bed


A good number of people keep a glass of water on their nightstands to either sip before bed or during the night or first thing in the morning.

It’s not uncommon to feel thirsty before going to sleep.

Some medications can exacerbate dry mouth and thirst during bedtime.

Drinking water aids overall bodily functions by helping to maintain temperature balance and promote good metabolism.

Going beyond quenching thirst, drinking water before bed offers several other benefits:

Hydration helps sleep stages

Research have suggests that staying well-hydrated that can improve the efficiency of one’s sleep.

Better hydration aids deeper sleep, which helps recovery from workouts and prepares the body for the next day.

Water could have a calming effect

Sipping water before bed helps in regulating body temperature.

It can also create a sense of relaxation, easing the transition from wakefulness to sleep.

Hydration can help reduce snoring

Dehydration can lead to a dry palate and nasal passages, increasing the likelihood of snoring.

When you stay hydrated it may help prevent these nighttime disturbances.

Additional benefits

Proper hydration keeps joints and tissues lubricated, aids digestion, and replenishes fluids lost through elimination and respiration.